PR Tips n’ Tricks!
Over the past few months, we have received quite a few questions about how to connect with the District Facebook page, website, and newsletter.  Here are those instructions.  You can always get to it through a new “hot link” on the District PR page.
Recently the Executive Committee expanded the purpose of the District’s Facebook page, District website, and monthly District Newsletter to include options for clubs to share activities and opportunities.  It is meant to facilitate sharing among clubs, and is not open to private organizations or individuals wanting to gain access to our membership.  Following are guidelines for how to use Facebook, the District website, and the monthly District Newsletter.
1. FACEBOOK:  If your club has a Facebook Page:  Write up a SHORT description of the activity (what, when, where, cost?) and upload it along with a JPG version of your event flyer.  (NOTE:  Shorter is better on social media.)  Examples from a peach sale, an Interact fundraiser, and a service activity:
Want it spread out on the District’s Facebook page?  First of all, “like” the District’s Facebook page, and when “accepted” then “share” your post from your club’s Facebook page to the District’s Facebook page.
If your club does not have a Facebook Page, send your short description and JPG of the event flyer to the PR Committee ( and ask that it be included on the District’s Facebook page.
2.  CLUB/DISTRICT WEBSITE:  Whatever web platform you use, it’s easy to keep your club and community members up to date on what’s going on.  Simply prepare a story – use plenty of pictures – and upload to the appropriate section of your website.
Want to share the word through the District website in the Club Events Section?  Send your SHORT write-up and any pictures or flyers to
3.  DISTRICT NEWSLETTER:  Whatever you write up for your website, Facebook page, or other media, consider sending a copy to after the event is over. It will be considered for the monthly District Newsletter.  Deadline for submission:  the 25th of each month.
Questions?  Send them to
As we approach the deadline for clubs to consider applying for the Presidential Citation and/or the 2016 District PR Award, we completed an audit of where the clubs are in relation to updating their websites and social media and shared that with club presidents.  Clubs are making solid progress, and we stand ready to assist any club make the transition. 
NOTE:  The 2016 District PR Award is due March 1, 2016.  See Awards section on District website.
The PR Committee is always open to new, innovative ideas, tips, and tricks.  If you have one, please toss it to us  We will share them in the monthly District newsletter!  This month we received an idea from Emmanuel, President of eClub One ( ):
We thought of doing this QR after seeing tourist scanning a QR code next to Notre Dame in Paris taking them to a specific website.  They are now in Le Louvre Museum next to certain paintings.  This is fairly new for us so I do not know the impact it might have.  Every year, as a promotion, I distribute 1000 ribbons at the International Convention, see attached.  We get a lot of returns with it.  I will have them with me this year again and I am thinking of having a cap on my head with that QR and the words “Scan Me”…  This is a way for Rotarians to visit our public website, learn a lot of information about what we do and Rotary in general, request a makeup (over 5000 per month average) and perhaps leave a donation 
Our first idea came from the Boulder Rotary Club’s amazing Publicity Team, an idea that they are implementing to expand the reach of their social media. Here ya’ go!
The Publicity committee is looking for a group of Rotarians to be the "Core 24" in our efforts  to publicize the good works of the Boulder Rotary Club. Members of the Core 24 will be asked  to copy a new "Social Media Short" section of the CyberRIB each week and paste it onto his or  her own Facebook or LinkedIn pages.  If you are interested in being a member of the Core 24, please contact Maryan Jaross, Dave Allen, Nathan Womack, or Chad Stamm. If you are not interested, you are still encouraged to copy and paste the Social Media Short each week.
Next, are you using Microsoft Office 2010 and concerned that they are ending support shortly?  Here is some advice from Boulder Rotarian Nathan Paul Womack (founder/CEO of Outsource Locally,
Mainstream support for the very popular Microsoft Office 2010 is going to be ending in 2015 (Word, Excel, PowerPoint, Outlook). Does this mean that it'll stop working? No. Does it mean that you "have" to upgrade? No. 
What it DOES mean is that Microsoft will no longer be releasing "fixes" or "patches" for it. How does this affect you? Well, if some bad person over in Bad-land-istan decides to write a bad program with a virus targeted at Microsoft Office 2010, Microsoft will basically say "meh, sorry... you're outta luck because we don't support that software any longer".
So, if you work on an island and don't trade files with anyone, you're probably OK for a few more years. If you trade files with people and want to know that your software is up to date, it'd probably be good to upgrade.