Rotarians for Mental Health (R4MH) is assisting with the creation of a District 5450 chapter of RAGMHI. Once the chapter is established, R4MH will be phased out. The chapter is required to have a board of directors with at least 5 members. If you are interested in learning more about the chapter or being involved as a member and/or director, please email Bill Farrow (whfarrow@outlook.com). Please note that directors will be working directors, taking ownership of the chapter’s goals and objectives.
Rotarians for Mental Health (R4MH) was formed over 10 years ago to encourage and support clubs addressing behavioral health challenges in their communities. We are enthusiastic about forming the RAGMHI chapter.
Benefits we envision include:
- Providing leadership opportunities for members passionate about mental health
- Leveraging the expertise of non-Rotarian professionals
- Building a mental health focus into the organizational fabric of the district
- Utilizing the RAGMHI website to enhance club collaborations and access resources
What is RAGMHI?
Please visit https://ragonmentalhealth.org for more information. You will see that many districts throughout the world have formed chapters. The opportunities for sharing and learning from other chapters is a key factor in our decision to create a chapter.
Will the R4MH co-chairs serve on the chapter’s board of directors?
No. We will be active members of the chapter and will support the directors. We are committed to the success of the chapter.
What happens with the awards R4MH administers? There is no change. The deadline for applications for the Hayes Family Mental Health Award and the R4MH award is August 1, 2024. Details are on the District Website. Mail applications to Bill Farrow (whfarrow@outlook.com)