District 5450 Youth & At-Risk Protection
Rotary International (RI) and D5450 have a long and successful history of commitment to and community support of programming for Youth and At-Risk (Protected) Individuals.  D5450 joins with all Rotarians in committing to RI’s Statement of Conduct for Working with Youth. This commitment reinforces RI & D5450’s adherence to zero-tolerance of abuse and harassment – any kind is unacceptable.
Prior to participating as a volunteer or sponsoring a program as a club involving Protected Individuals, Rotarian and Non-Rotarian volunteers must meet specific requirements based on the program and the amount of contact anticipated.
STEP #1 – ALL VOLUNTEERS (Rotarian or Non-Rotarian) participating in Club-Sponsored Programs, Young Rotary (Interact) or Rotaract, at a minimum, must review the following: 
Note: Club Presidents are required to review the above with volunteers at a club meeting prior to sponsoring programming. If volunteers participate in that review, proof of attendance meets this review requirement.
STEP #2 – VOLUNTEERS, once the items above have been reviewed, check the following information to determine any additional requirements based on specific program requirements and type of contact with Protected Individuals. 
-Identify the program type on the Contact Continuum.  This document explains, with examples, the difference between Infrequent & Recurring Contact and Frequent and Occasional Contact.
-Once the type of program and contact is determined, check the Volunteer Eligibility Requirements for any additional steps for volunteers.  (If a Background Check or
Youth Protection Awareness Tutorial/Quiz is required, it will be indicated in the requirements.)
Note: The above applies to VOLUNTEERS, both ROTARIAN AND NON-ROTARIAN. 
STEP #3 – VOLUNTEERS IN Rotary Youth Exchange and RYLA programs have specific requirements.  Please review specific programs for details.
QUESTIONS?  Contact D5450 Youth & At-Risk Protection Officer