Information about Club Visioning District 5450

Chair: Harriet Downer (Denver)
What is Club Visioning?
Though the curriculum has been updated in 2024, Club Visioning remains a three-step process. First is a survey of current members about the club and its activities today. The second step is a three to four-hour session to brainstorm ideas from club members defining who the club will be in three years, and setting goals and action plans, focused on consistency, consensus and continuity, to achieve those goals. The result of the brainstorming or Visioning session is a consensus of the top 3-year goals in all areas Rotary Clubs function, especially in the four priorities of the Rotary International Action Plan. Step three is the development of the action plans developed by the Club to meet the goals/Vision and the commitment to do the work.
Several trained Vision Facilitators volunteer to conduct the 3 - 4-hour session. This session can be conducted either in person with the Facilitation Team traveling to visit your club, or the session can be held virtually.
Who Should Participate?
The facilitation session is intended for all interested Rotarians in your Club—from your newest members to your most tenured, from the quietest members to the most outspoken. The breadth and depth of the facilitation exercise is optimized when club leaders (past, present and future) participate and should include the current Board. The number of participants is dependent on the size of your club. The ideal number is 15 – 30. (Minimum 12; absolute maximum of 30) Ask participants to be on time and must plan to stay through the entire process. Larger clubs should plan to have 28-30 members attend. The facilitation team anticipates participants will come with an open mind, stay the entire session and be fully engaged in a productive, creative session to define the future of the Club.
Where is the Session Held?
If the session is held in person, the Club is responsible for identifying the location for the Visioning session. The room should be large enough to be set-up with tables in a U-shape and chairs for all of the participants. In addition, the room should have plenty of wall space so that 20 – 30 sheets of easel paper can be hung on the walls.
How to get a Vision event in your Club
Clubs desiring a Visioning event must first designate a “Club Vision Coordinator/Chair” to work with the District Vision Chair. The Club Vision Coordinator and/or Club President identifies a date when participants (Board, PE, PEN, cross section of members) can attend, then requests that date by contacting Harriet Downer. It takes 3-4 weeks to assemble a facilitation team and conduct the current state survey. When advised that a team is in place for your date, sign up attendees, find a room, and provide supplies for the event in a list that will be provided. There are documents for the club listing all the steps in the process and necessary supplies.
What are the Outcomes of the Session?
There will be a consensus of what the Club goals are in the four priorities of the RI Action Plan three years from now. The Club will develop the mission, vision and values statements. There will be focus on the goals established in these activities and the plan to achieve the goals. The process and follow-up action plans make for improved continuity, consensus, and consistency of focus within the Club. This results in easier recruitment of members and Club leaders as well as better membership retention.
Harriet S. Downer
District Visioning Chair