Rotary Peak Climb with Youth Exchange
Jim Brook
08 Sep. 2024 |
Annual District 5450 Youth Exchange "Welcome to Colorado" Hike to Rotary Peak
Sunday, Sept.8 - 8:30 to 11:00 am
Participants will gather at 8:30 am on Sunday, Sept.8 for group photos at the trailhead on the west side of Highway 6 at the top of Loveland Pass. It is a relatively safe & easy route, 3 miles (5 km) roundtrip with a net gain in altitude of 489 feet (150m) to the peak at 12,479 feet (3,800m), with spectacular scenery both east and west as it follows the Continental Divide. We expect to be back down to the trailhead by about 11 am to enjoy provided refreshments. Click the Flyer for more information!