Rotary/Peace Corps: Wheels & Sparks
Charlie Hunt
16 Apr. 2024 |
Rotary/Peace Corps Partnership: Wheels & Sparks Discussion
Tuesday, April 16 | 7:00 to 8:00 pm via Zoom
Register Now - free to attend
- Learn about one of the most active service partnerships that brings Rotary and the Peace Corps together with all the benefits to Rotary clubs, Districts, Peace Corps countries and Peace Corps volunteers.
- Hear about the Returned Peace Corps Volunteers of Colorado whose members are all over the state and how it can help you find potential Rotary partners and members in your backyard.
- Hear from an active Rotarian and Returned Peace Corps Volunteer in Denver and how Rotary provides the perfect continuation of service after Peace Corps service.
- Learn how clubs have created RPCV Satellite Groups and recruited RPCVs into their clubs.
- Learn how Rotarians can join Peace Corps for two years, one year, 9 months, or 6 months in order to experience longer term volunteer service, while living and learning in another culture.