As Rotarians, we are all peace builders. Rotary creates environments where peace can happen.
I often have contemplated this simple truth, that without strengthening my own inner peace and mindfulness practice, a peaceful world cannot exist. Even though my individual influence is likely very small, it still makes a difference introducing peace, little by little, into the world.
Rotary International President Stephanie Urchick suggested in her comments to us last Saturday, that we start with a smile as a way to bring about a more peaceful world. I couldn’t agree more. Often it is simple things that bring about change and cause a spontaneous ripple effect.
If we each demonstrate how to live with kindness, with openness, with acceptance, with thoughtfulness, courage and with consistency, the lives we touch will also be enriched.
From the one to many…as a humanitarian organization, peace is a foundation of our mission. Rotarians believe when people work to create peace in their communities, that change can have a global effect.
By carrying out service projects in our areas of focus, (supporting the environment, education & literacy, disease prevention, water sanitation & hygiene, economic development, maternal & child health) every Rotarian is taking action to address the underlying causes of conflict. Rotarians build environments where peace can take hold and flourish. We are peace builders.
Rotary estimates more than 70 million people are displaced as a result of conflict, violence, persecution, and human rights violations and that half of those are children. Rotarians are asked to not accept conflict as a way of life.  
As we mark the month of February as World Understanding Month, I hope to encourage each Rotary club to start building a culture of peace in their own community by dedicating a peace pole. A Peace Pole is an internationally recognized symbol, a standing vigil for peace on earth. Each Peace Pole bears the message "May Peace Prevail on Earth" in different languages on each of its four or six sides. There are tens of thousands of Peace Poles in nearly every country in the world dedicated as monuments to peace. More information on the Peace Pole Project can be found at
May peace prevail in each of us. May peace prevail on earth.
REGISTRATION is NOW OPEN for the spring 2025 session of RISE: Fundamentals beginning Feb. 22 - developing the Servant Leader, the foundational skill necessary to lead volunteer members. 
This training occurs over 6 sessions. Attendance at all sessions is expected - the first and last sessions are in-person at Front Range Community College in Westminster and the other four are via Zoom. Click Here to learn more!

RWANDA/KENYA TRIP: Join District Governor Elect Cindy Rold and a small group of Rotarians from District 5450 for a trip to Rwanda and Kenya where we will visit Rotary clubs, meet local Rotarians, see service projects, and enjoy some wildlife activities. This is a unique opportunity to participate in a trip designed just for us and to learn about the needs in those two countries. The trip is fast approaching – April 19-May 3, 2025. If interested, please contact DG Cindy Rold at right away.

ROSE BOWL PARADE 2026 - Registration is open ( to attend the 2026 Rose Bowl Parade with other members of District 5450 for an unforgettable experience. Seeing the floats being decorated prior to the parade, attending the parade from Grandstand seats, and then viewing the floats up close after the parade are magical. There are two options - 4 nights and 5 nights and activity options to choose from on different days. Everyone will attend the parade, the highlight of the trip! If you choose to work on the Rotary International float, please note that the organizers require an 8-hour shift, and it is in a warehouse on hard concrete floors where it may be cold or hot depending on the weather outside. It is fun but requires stamina. If you have any questions, call or text Karlyn McCrumb, Littleton Rotary Club, at (303) 250-3620.

JOIN THE YOUTH EXCHANGE COMMITTEE & MAKE A GLOBAL IMPACT! The Rocky Mountain Rotary Youth Exchange (RMRYE) program is looking for passionate and organized individuals to join our committee as Country Contacts (particularly Austria, Finland, Germany and Taiwan) and support the incredible work of Rotary Youth Exchange. Help make a direct impact on students' lives and build lasting relationships. CLICK HERE to learn more about the responsibilities of being a Country Contact.

2027-2028 DISTRICT GOVERNOR BILL SIMMERMON - With a lifelong family connection to Rotary, Bill Simmermon joined the Rotary Club of Highlands Ranch in 2007. He follows in the steps of this father, James E. Simmermon, a past Governor of District 7305 (Pennsylvania) and a member of the Rotary Club of Oakmont Verona…with 75 YEARS of perfect attendance!
Bill served as club president from 2021-2022 and is currently serving as an Assistant Governor of Area 4. He serves on the District’s Membership Committee and last year participated in the District’s RISE Servant Leadership Training. In his club, Bill is instrumental to ongoing multi-year service projects in Costa Rica and Belize. Having attended the international conventions in Bangkok (2018), Houston (2022) and Singapore (2024), he is a certainly a believer in the larger Rotary community. Click Here to read more.

MEET ROTARY PEACE SCHOLAR ALEXIS ROMERO - Congratulations to District 5450’s recently awarded 2025 Rotary Peace Fellow, Alexis Romero. Each year, the Rotary Foundation awards up to 130 fully funded Rotary Peace Fellowships through Rotary Peace Centers located at leading universities around the world. Through the fellowship program Rotary aims to empower, educate, and increase the capacity of dedicated international peacebuilders. The selection process is highly competitive with over 1500 applicants. Alexis represents the future of Rotary’s mission for peace. 

Calgary, Alberta, Canada | June 21-25, 2025
There's still time to register the Rotary International Convention in Calgary, Canada! Share ideas and inspire people at the 2025 Rotary International Convention! Breakout sessions at the Rotary International Convention can inspire participants, help them polish their leadership skills, and give them new ideas for projects, fundraising, strengthening membership, and more.

Follow the District's Facebook page to get up-to-date news and information about interesting things happening in our District and in Rotary around the world. Please follow us:
Summit County Served it's 200,000th Plate at their Weekly Community Dinner Project! Started in 2009, the Rotary club formed a partnership with other organizations to provide a weekly, free community dinner to any and all comers. Click Here to read the full article in the Summit Daily.

The Colorado Early Colleges of Castle Rock Young Rotarians (Interact) along with members of Castle Rock High Noon Rotary Club, visited "Pepper's Senior Dog Sanctuary" for a tour, work duty and some special time just to pet and hug some of the 23 Senior or ill dogs at the Sanctuary.  Peppers is located in the Roxborough area and is happy to have volunteers (requires training and commitment).  For more information about volunteering or about having a Pepper's speaker come speak to your club, please contact Steve Baroch at Castle Rock High Noon Rotary - 303-909-7563 or     

The Centennial and Denver Cherry Creek Rotary Clubs were proud to sponsor the 2025 Charity Pickleball Classic, on Sunday, January 26th, at South Suburban Indoor Pickleball (SSIA). All profits from registration, sponsorship, raffles, and donations support the important work these two Rotary clubs are doing in our community. Twenty-six teams battled to the final four. The final champions, David and Matthew as well as second and third place winners were presented Kamikaze racquets. Rad Elekovic, event chairman is pictured with the champions.

THE SOLAR CHARGER PROJECT - about 50 Interact Club students from Mountain Vista High School and Mountain Ridge Middle School worked with the Highlands Ranch Rotary Club members to assemble more than 20 solar panels with USB chargers that will be shipped to Ukraine. Including the packaging and shipping the total cost is around $125 per panel. CLICK HERE to read the full story.

Make sure to check out the CLUB EVENTS page and see all of the events happening around the District. 
Post your story on your club's website or Facebook page, and then send the link to Doing so will give your club more exposure - readers will see the story on your club's site, which will let them know more about your club and members.
You can also search and view club projects on the new Rotary Service Project Center.
The Rotary Foundation helps Rotarians to advance world understanding, goodwill, and peace by improving health, providing quality education, improving the environment, and alleviating poverty.

Did You Miss It? 🎉
Our Foundation Dinner on Saturday, February 1st, was a tremendous success, with 417 Rotarians in attendance! This was our first dinner in over six years, and what a night it was!
Rotary International President Stephanie Urchick delivered an inspiring message on membership and peace, truly connecting with our Rotarians. We are incredibly grateful for her time and dedication. Dan Himelspach and Greg Podd provided valuable insight into the leadership responsibilities of a Rotary International Director and Trustee, emphasizing how they support our Zone and fellow Rotarians.
The food and beverages, and music were outstanding, and beyond the fantastic speakers, it was a joy to reconnect with so many Rotarians in person—some I hadn’t seen in a long time!
That night, we invited our Rotarians to make a meaningful contribution or increase their giving to Rotary International. These funds will provide an opportunity to create a significant impact by supporting the incredible work you and your clubs do in your communities we serve. If you weren’t able to attend but would like to participate, feel free to reach out to me directly—I’d be happy to help! Mike Klingbiel
Foundation Support for Your Club - As a follow-up to the dinner, our foundation team is available for club programs. If your members would like to learn more, we have a team ready to assist with specific topics:
Annual Fund – Robert Mintz
Robert is a charter member of the Denver Cherry Creek Rotary Club, a major donor, and a Paul Harris and Polio Plus Society member. He has led 26 dental missions to Latin America and received Rotary’s highest honor—the Service Above Self Award. With 18 years at Rotary International headquarters managing global travel and corporate relations, Robert has deep insights into our organization’s global impact. He looks forward to presenting at your club to discuss annual giving and share his fascinating Rotary experiences.
Endowment – PDG Curt Harris | 📞 303-589-4723
The District Endowment Committee promotes participation in The Rotary Foundation’s Bequest Society and Benefactor programs, which support TRF’s Endowment Fund. If you or your club members have questions or would like a presentation, please contact PDG Curt Harris.
Polio Plus – Marny Eulberg
Rotary International’s #1 humanitarian priority is the eradication of polio, ensuring no child is needlessly paralyzed by a preventable disease. The District Polio Plus Committee, made up of 13 Rotarians from 10 clubs, is dedicated to education and fundraising for this vital mission.
We have a polio speaker list featuring passionate Rotarians eager to present at your club and assist with World Polio Day, World Immunization Week, and other Polio Plus fundraising events. You can find the speaker list on the District website under the Foundation Tab > Polio Eradication.
Past District Governors Curt Harris, Jim Halderman, Mike Klingbiel & Greg Podd
We’d love to collaborate with you, answer your club’s questions, and fill our speaker calendar for the rest of the Rotary year and beyond!
Let’s keep the momentum going and make an impact together!
Warm regards,
Mike Klingbiel
Foundation Chair, District 5450
Click the links below to view Event Information
Tuesday, Feb. 4 | 7:00 to 8:00 pm via Zoom
Thursday, Feb. 6 | 6:30 to 7:30 pm via Zoom
Wednesday, Feb. 12 | 4:00 to 5:00 pm via Zoom
Six-week session begins February 22
Saturday, May 17 | SAVE THE DATE
Be sure your club's info is posted!
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Rotary District 5450 - Colorado, USA
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