Health & Hunger Concerns

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The Health & Hunger Committee will be a resource center for information and support to Rotary clubs in efforts to address health concerns both in their communities and around the world.

Objectives of the Health and Hunger Committee:

  • Expand our concept of health and wellness as being more than simply the absence of disease.
  • Promote larger holistic multi-year, multi-club projects that will fit into Future Vision.
  • Along with Water, Literacy, and other District committees develop protocols for best practices for successful local and international projects. To encourage a “Sensible Service above Self” approach in project development and management that incorporates concepts of sustainability, accountability, cultural appropriateness, etc.    
  • Pursue better networking between Rotary Clubs and other organizations to promote more effective projects involving multiple partners.
  • Continue to coordinate joint task force meetings with other task force committees (Water, Literacy, Africa Task Force, Polio Plus, Peace Corp, etc.).
  • Serve as a conduit of information from Rotarian Action Groups to local clubs.
  • Expand the “Healthy Rotarian” concept and encourage clubs to assign a “health representative” for their club who will promote health as part of the Family of Rotary and develop friendlycompetition between clubs on health activities.
  • Continue partnership with 9 Health Fairs to recruit cashiers and volunteers at local venues including at the Denver Indian Council. Continue partnership with schools and community wellness programs to address the issues of childhood obesity, nutrition, and exercise. 
  • Recruit new committee members.

Contact persons:

Nan Jarvis – – 303-526-4968

Mike Hitchcock – – 303-792-2946